Location: Archivio di San Francesco, Urbino
Sub-Location: Libro di entrate e uscite, aa. 1485-1521, c. 35v
  • 35
Type:Institutional account book
Transcription Author: Anna Falcioni e Vincenzo Mosconi
Published: yes
Publication Details: Published by L. Pungileoni, Elogio storico di Giovanni Santi pittore e poeta, padre del gran Raffaello di Urbino, Urbino, 1822, p. 139, and by A. Falcioni - V. Mosconi, Apparato documentario. Regesti e trascrizioni, in Raffaello and Urbino. La formazione giovanile e i rapporti con la città natale, exhibition catalogue (Urbino, 2009), edited by L. Mochi Onori, Milan, 2009, p. 307, doc. 304. The document was first discovered by J. D. Passavant, “Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater Giovanni Santi, Lipsia 1839, vol. I, p. 415; the present transcription is taken from J. Shearman, “ Raphael in early modern sources”, I, Yale University in association with the Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, New Haven and London 2003, p. 53.

The convent of San Francesco in Urbino receives a quantity of wax from Giovanni Santi on the occasion of the death of his daughter.

Artist(s): Giovanni Santi, Raphael
Dates: 25.10.1491
E a dì 25 detto intrò libre 3 1/2 de cera per la morte de la figliola de Giovane de Sante, lib. 3, onze 6 --- l. 3, o. 6.