Location: New York, Collezione Privata
Sub-Location: L'iscrizione compare nel retro del ritratto.

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Transcription Author: John Shearman
Published: yes
Publication Details: The inscription was first published by C. Gardner von Teuffel, “Raphael’s portrait of Valerio Belli: some new evidence”, in “The Burlington Magazine” CXXIX, 1987, p. 664; the present transcription is taken from J. Shearman, “ Raphael in early modern source”, Yale University in association with the Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, New Haven and London 2003, p. 312.
Notes: Shearman describes the inscription as later in date.

Inscription on an illuminated portrait of Valerio Belli.

Artist(s): Raphael
Dates: *.1517
Fatto dell'ano 1517 in Rom.../...Rafael Urbinate