Location: Archivio di Stato di Mantova
Sub-Location: Archivio Gonzaga, E, LXI, Busta 1890
Type:Personal Letter
Transcription Author: Fiorenzo Canuti revisionato Tom Henry
Published: yes
Publication Details: Published by F. Canuti, Il Perugino, Siena, 1931, vol.2, p. 218 (previously in W. Braghirolli, Notizie e documenti inediti intorno a Pietro Vannucci detto il Perugino, in Giornale d’Erudizione artistica, 1873, vol. 2, p.215 )

Marcantonio del Gattego writes to Isabella d'Este saying that he has repeatedly encouraged Pietro Perugino to complete the work and that he gives his assurance that he will begin the work as soon as he received certain clarifications.

Artist(s): Pietro Perugino
Dates: 24.1.1504
A la Ill.ma et Ex.ma Madama mee, la S.re Marchesa de Mantua