Location: Monaco, Bayerische Staatbibliothek
Sub-Location: MS Ital. 37 (1034)
Type:Other text
Transcription Author: John Shearman
Published: yes
Publication Details: F. Rehberg, "Rafael Sanzio aus Urbino", Munich 1824, p. 68; this transcription from J. Shearman, “ Raphael in early modern sources”, Yale University in association with the Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, New Haven and London 2003, pp. 397-404.

Raphael's notes and corrections to Fabio Calvo's translation of Vitruvius

Artist(s): Raphael
Dates: 1.3.1519
Quello che se dimanda in canalatura se chiama capriolo [in colonna sulla destra] [delle travi del tetto] li caprioli, cioè quelli doi legni che in colmo al tecto congiongono li capi insieme [. . .]