Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Prev Next- *.1517 Inscription on Agostino Veneziano's engraving of Raphael's 'Lo Spasimo di Sicilia'. View Document
- *.1517 Inscription on an illuminated portrait of Valerio Belli. View Document
- *.1517 Polidoro Virgili in his "De inventoribus rerum" praises Raphael as the modern inventor of painting. View Document
- 10.1.1517 Raphael borrows 150 ducats from Pierfrancesco Bini and pays him back. View Document
- 19.1.1517 Leonardo Sellaio, in Rome, writes to Michelangelo, in Florence: Sebastiano has begun 'quella tavola' (the Resurrection of Lazarus); Raphael avoids comparison. View Document
- 19.3.1517 Inscripton in the Stanza dell'Incendio. View Document
- 21.3.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este, in Ferrara: he has had several deliveries from the Duke, but he has not been able to talk to Raphael. View Document
- 30.3.1517 Beltrame Costabili writes to Alfonso d'Este saying that Raphael, having finished his work for the Pope, will commence work for the Duke. Raphael will also undertake to help the Duke's collecting, providing an alternate suggestion for the bed. View Document
- 25.4.1517 Buonarroto Buonarroti, in Florence, writes to Michelangelo, in Carrara: Baccio d'Agnolo swears Raphael his mortal enemy. View Document
- 4.6.1517 Cardinal Bibbiena writes to Giulio Sadoleto about the Stufetta. View Document
- 16.6.1517 Beltrame Costabili writes from Rome to Alfonso d'Este, in Ferrara: Raphael has only two more days' work for the Pope, he will then dedicate himself to the Duke's work until it is completed. View Document
- 25.6.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este, in Ferrara: Raphael has finished working for the Pope; he hopes that Raphael keeps his promise to work for the Duke. View Document
- 1.7.1517 Payment to Raphael's workshop for the paintings in the Stanza dell'Incendio. View Document
- 9.7.1517 Ser Matteo di Tommaso degli Oddi uses Raphael's house in Urbino at the moment of the drafting of a notarial document concerning the sale of a plot of land. View Document
- 19.7.1517 Pietro Bembo writes to Cardinal Bibbiena: his loggia 'di novo ... si va edificando' and the Papal chambers are beautiful. View Document
- 30.7.1517 Diary of Antonio de Beatis recording the travels of Cardinal Luigi d'Aragona: in Brussels they visited the tapestry workshops which were making tapestries for Pope Leo X and the Cardinal saw "The Gift of the Keys". View Document
- 1.9.1517 The widow of Mariotto Albertinelli agress to return the fifty ducats, borrowed from Raphael by her husband Mariotto. View Document
- 4.9.1517 Bartolomeo da Bibbiena, in Rome, writes to Latino Giovenale revealing his preoccupations about 'il male che faranno nel paese (Urbino)' and how long they will have to suffer its inhabitants, including Raphael. View Document
- 11.9.1517 Beltrame Costabili writes to Alfonso d'Este. Raphael has learned that Pellegrino da Udine is working on an altarpiece with the subject requested by the Duke: if this is the case the painter from Urbino is able to paint a different subject. View Document
- 23.9.1517 Beltrame Costabili writes to Alfonso d'Este saying that he has communicated the Duke's message to Raphael. View Document
- 24.9.1517 Valerio Porcari owes Raphael 120 ducats; the debt is settled with a loan from Pietro Bembo. View Document
- *.10.1517 Raphael is exempted from dues to the Hospital of Santo Spirito for the Caprini properties. View Document
- 7.10.1517 Raphael, having bought Palazzo Caprini along with other properties near the same site, pays an additional 600 ducats as an 'affrancatione' of any other sum owed to the Hospital of Santo Spirito. View Document
- 27.10.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, informs Alfonso d'Este that he has passed on the Duke's requests to Raphael and that the painter wishes to serve him. View Document
- 30.10.1517 Cardinal Giulio de' Medici informs Giovanni Staffileo, papal nunzio in France, that the Pope has lodged Tommaso de Foix with Cardinal Bibbiena. View Document
- 4.11.1517 Beltrame Costabili writes to Alfonso d'Este clarifying that he has passed the Duke's requests on to Raphael and that he responded 'che la vole servire' in the best possible way. View Document
- 6.11.1517 Goro Gheri, in Florence, writes to Lorenzo de' Medici, in Rome, asking for a portrait 'in carta col carbone' by Raphael or someone else, done in profile in the traditional medalion pose. View Document
- 17.11.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este saying that he has given Raphael 50 ducats, although he does not know the timescale of the painter's commission. View Document
- 18.11.1517 Goro Gheri, in Florence, writes to Lorenzo de' Medici, in Rome, reminding him of the portrait that is to be sent. View Document
- 18.11.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este saying that he has found that a parcel that ought to have been sent to the Duke some months ago is still in Rome: the parcel contains a gift from Raphael. View Document
- 4.12.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este, in Ferrara: the Duke himself ought to urge Raphael [to work on his commission] as the Pope and the cardinals 'li danno da fare assai'. View Document
- 21.12.1517 Beltrame Costabili, in Rome, writes to Alfonso d'Este, in Ferrara saying that he will encourage Raphael. View Document