Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
This website was originally developed to act as the documentary appendix for T. Henry,The Life and Art of Luca Signorelli, New Haven & London (Yale University Press ISBN: 978-0-300-17926-2), 2012.
Thanks to support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Digital Resources Grant Program and from University of Kent match funding, the database has been expanded to add a number of other artists.
The work of adding these artists has been undertaken by Margherita Cinti, Matteo Mazzalupi and Valentina Ricci-Vitiani (further biographies below). The project has also greatly benefitted from the assistance and scholarly generosity of Nicoletta Baldini, James Banker, +Julian Kliemann, Cecilia Martelli and others.
The majority of the documents included here have been previously published, and this has been noted in the bibliography for each document. The authors of individual transcriptions have also been credited, and where a scholar has either followed one artist particularly closely or provided a corpus of documentation for inclusion here, then that scholar has been given credit for the artist as a whole. In some cases the transcriptions are new or revised (and some may need further work). Feedback is invited to Tom Henry (T.F.K.Henry@kent.ac.uk), Professor of History of Art at the University of Kent.
It is hoped that this expanded database will be useful to students of the Italian Renaissance as it stands, but the editorial team plans to develop it further over time. Future developments will include the addition of photographs, paleographic tools/tutorials, and translations, as well as expanding the number of artists covered and adding any new or overlooked material for those already included.

Project Team Biographies
- Margherita Cinti, Researcher IRDS
- Prof. Tom Henry, Professor of History of Art at the University of Kent, Director IRDS
- Matteo Mazzalupi, Researcher IRDS
- Valentina Ricci Vitiani, Researcher IRDS