Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Benozzo Gozzoli
Prev Next- 15.4.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 2.5.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 2.5.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys two libbre of oil for the price of 3 lire and 6 soldi, Pisa. View Document
- 14.5.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa gives Benozzo di Lese 212 lire and 2 soldi, Pisa. View Document
- 30.5.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 30.5.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa gives Benozzo di Lese 212 lire and 2 soldi, Pisa. View Document
- 2.6.1478 Benozzo receives 17 lire and 2 soldi, in three 'larghi' of florins, from the Opera del Duomo to send his brother Bernardo who is coming from Florence to work in Pisa. The Opera del Duomo also pays for the blue colour used to paint the 'sopracieli' frecos. Pisa. View Document
- 13.6.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 13.6.1478 Benozzo receives 17 lire and 2 soldi, in three 'larghi' of florins, from the Opera del Duomo to send his brother Bernardo who is coming from Florence to work in Pisa. The Opera del Duomo also pays for the blue colour used to paint the 'sopracieli' frecos. Pisa. View Document
- 22.6.1478 Benozzo receives 17 lire and 2 soldi, in three 'larghi' of florins, from the Opera del Duomo to send his brother Bernardo who is coming from Florence to work in Pisa. The Opera del Duomo also pays for the blue colour used to paint the 'sopracieli' frecos. Pisa. View Document
- 4.7.1478 Antonio di Jacopo Dalle Mura, an Operaio of the Cathedral, gives a certain quantity of oil to Benozzo, debiting his expenses on the painter's behalf, Pisa. View Document
- 4.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese receives 104 lire from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 15.9.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 17.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys grain from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 18.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys grain from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 19.9.1478 The Opera del Duomo in Pisa makes payements to Benozzo di Lese and some of his creditors; the painter also buys merchandise from the Opera del Duomo. He then receives payment for finishing another 4 stories in the Camposanto in March 1480. Pisa. View Document
- 19.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese receives 104 lire from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 19.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys grain from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 19.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese pays for several items, on the occasion of his temporary stay in Legoli owing to the outbreak of plague. He receives funds from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 30.9.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys wine from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document
- 15.11.1478 Benozzo di Lese buys wine from the Opera del Duomo in Pisa. View Document