Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Benozzo Gozzoli
Prev Next- 22.7.1491 Simone di Francesco Marzi di Bibbiena, abbot in the church of San Michele in Borgo di Pisa, owes Benozzo payment for decorating a tabernacle and for frescoing the refectory and the cloister of the monastery. Pisa. View Document
- 22.7.1491 Benozzo di Lese receives payments from Simone di Francesco Marzi da Bibbiena, abbot of San Michele in Borgo in Pisa, for his frescoes in the monastery. Pisa. View Document
- 24.7.1491 Benozzo di Lese receives payments from Simone di Francesco Marzi da Bibbiena, abbot of San Michele in Borgo in Pisa, for his frescoes in the monastery. Pisa. View Document
- 26.8.1491 Simone di Francesco Marzi di Bibbiena, abbot in the church of San Michele in Borgo di Pisa, owes Benozzo payment for decorating a tabernacle and for frescoing the refectory and the cloister of the monastery. Pisa. View Document
- 26.8.1491 Benozzo di Lese receives payments from Simone di Francesco Marzi da Bibbiena, abbot of San Michele in Borgo in Pisa, for his frescoes in the monastery. Pisa. View Document
- 6.9.1491 Benozzo di Lese receives payments from Simone di Francesco Marzi da Bibbiena, abbot of San Michele in Borgo in Pisa, for his frescoes in the monastery. Pisa. View Document