Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Pietro Perugino
Prev Next- *.1513 Perugino continues to work on the altarpiece for Sant'Agostino, helped by Eusebio da san Giorgio. At the same time he was working on an 'Adoration of the Magi' for the Oddi chapel and was gilding the altarpiece. Perugia View Document
- 1.1.1513 The chamberlain of the Hospital of the Misericordia notes that Piero must pay the rent on his workshops in the house on Sopramura going back one year, Perugia. View Document
- *.1513 Perugino signs the 'Saint Anthony from Padova and disciple' now in the Pinacoteca Comunale in Bettona (Perugia). View Document
- 28.2.1513 Entries made in Perugino's name at Monte delle Graticole (from 10.3.1508 to 26.10.1514), Florence. View Document
- 30.3.1513 Perugino sends his pupil Bartolomeo to withdraw a sum of grain from the monks of Sant'Agostino, Perugia. View Document
- 30.3.1513 Federico the goldsmith, known as'Roscetto', is charged with making a second silver ship for the Priors' bench. Perugino is asked to provide the design. Perugia. View Document
- 18.5.1513 An arbitrator is called to decide when and in how many installments Perugino must pay the 200 florins, the remainder on the small farms he bought on 11 December 1512, Perugia. View Document
- 12.7.1513 Contract of 12 July 1513 by which the monks of Sant'Agostino entrust Eusebio da San Giorgio, pupil and partner of Perugino, with the painting, ornamentation and the “messa a oro” of the “capsa” of the altarpiece they have commissioned, Perugia View Document
- 5.9.1513 Entries made in Perugino's name at Monte delle Graticole (from 10.3.1508 to 26.10.1514), Florence. View Document
- 7.10.1513 Entries made in Perugino's name at Monte delle Graticole (from 10.3.1508 to 26.10.1514), Florence. View Document
- 3.12.1513 Perugino begins painting some figures on the facade of the church of S. Martino in Campo, Perugia. View Document
- 3.12.1513 Perugino commits to painting several figures on the facade of San Martino in Campo, Perugia. View Document
- 17.12.1513 Perugino returns the keys for his workshop to the Hospital of the Misericordia, having held them for 11 years, Perugia. View Document