Location: Città del vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.
Sub-Location: MS Vat. lat. 8210
  • 278
Type:Personal Letter
Transcription Author: John Shearman
Published: yes
Publication Details: The document was first discovered by J. Cartwright, “ Baldassare Castiglione in the Perfect Courtier: His life and Letters 1478-1529”, vol. II, London New York 1908, p. 69; the present transcription is taken from J. Shearman, “ Raphael in early modern sources”, I, Yale University in association with the Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, New Haven and London 2003, p. 596.

Baldassarre Castiglione writes from Genoa to his mother Alovisia (Luigia): if the bishop sends his painting, it should be treated like the other things he has sent.

Artist(s): Raphael
Dates: 27.5.1520
[post scriptum] Se occorresse che ‘l Vescovo mandasse quello quadro, V. S. si racordi farne quello che per l’altre mie gli ho scritto, e medemamente del mio Corteggiano.