Location: Archivio dell'Opera del Duomo, Orvieto
Sub-Location: Libro delle Riformanze, 10, 1448-57
Sub-Location: Libro delle Riformanze, 10, 1448-57
Type:Other text
Transcription Author: Diane Cole Ahl
Published: yes
Publication Details: D. Ahl Cole, 'Benozzo Gozzoli', New Haven-London, 1996, p. 276; D.E. McLellan, 'Luca Signorelli’s Last Judgement Fresco Cycle at Orvieto: An Interpretation of the Fears and Hopes of the Comune and People of Orvieto at a Time of Reckoning', unpublished doctoral thesis, Melbourne University, 1992, doc. 71
Transcription Author: Diane Cole Ahl
Published: yes
Publication Details: D. Ahl Cole, 'Benozzo Gozzoli', New Haven-London, 1996, p. 276; D.E. McLellan, 'Luca Signorelli’s Last Judgement Fresco Cycle at Orvieto: An Interpretation of the Fears and Hopes of the Comune and People of Orvieto at a Time of Reckoning', unpublished doctoral thesis, Melbourne University, 1992, doc. 71
Benozzo commits to finishing the Cappella di San Brizio with the approval of the Opera del Duomo, Orvieto.
Artist(s): Benozzo GozzoliDates: 3.7.1449
Die III mensis lulii MCCCCXLIX. Congregatis in supradicta Residentia Camerarii, Magnif. D. Conservatoribus, spectabili Camerario, et Superst. etc. Item auditor pro eodem Benozzo de Florentia pictore qui cupit laborare in Cappella nova et dicit se velle prius facere experientiam de suis picturis et petit sibi accomodari gratis una de domibus Fabrice unanimiter et concorditer consentierunt et deliberaverunt quod dictus Camerarius possit accomodare gratis dicto Benozzo dictam domum extimantes fore utile et providentia [sic] videre experientiam dicti Benozzi ut ex ea possit cognosci et deliberari an sit suffìciens ad sequens [sic] in picturis quod est incoatum per Magistrum fratrem lohannem.