Location: Archivio storico comunale, Sansepolcro
Sub-Location: serie XXXII, 169, cc. non numerate

  • unpag
Type:Institutional account book
Transcription Author: James R. Banker
Published: yes
Publication Details: Published by J. R. Banker, Documenti fondamentali per la conoscenza della vita e dell'arte di Piero della Francesca, Selci-Lama, 2013, p. 148, doc. CLXXXVII.

The rector of the Fraternity of Saint Bartholomew notes the names of the 23 people who have received from Piero della Francesca a total of 54 'braccia' of cloth from the Fraternity.

Artist(s): Piero della Francesca
Dates: 8.12.1480
[...] Maestro Pietro Francisschi [...]