Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Margherita Cinti, Researcher IRDS
Margherita Cinti lives in Florence where she was born in December 1985. After going to the “Liceo classico Michelangiolo” she attended the University of Florence and studied for a Masters in Modern Art History (dissertation: Ippolito Galantini (1565-1620) founder of the Congregation of the Vanchetoni: a series of monochromatic paintings in its honour directed by Prof. Antonio Pinelli). She then completed her art-historical formation in the “scuola di specializzazione” in Art History of the University of Florence. She worked on the research and organisation of the exhibition Ferdinando I de' Medici, Maiestate tantum (Florence, Cappelle Medicee, 2009) with Monica Bietti and Annamaria Giusti, contributing entries for the catalogue on paintings by Scipione Pulzone, Alessandro Allori, Cosimo Gamberucci, Giovan Battista Naldini, Giovanni Balducci and Ferdinando Ruggieri. She also worked on the exhibition Nello splendore mediceo. Papa Leone X e Firenze (Florence, Cappelle Medicee, 2013) organised by Nicoletta Baldini and Monica Bietti, writing catalogue entries on works by Perugino, Giusto Utens, Pietro Torrigiani, Anton Francesco Selvi, Pier Maria Serbaldi da Pescia, Orsino de' Benintendi and Giovanni Antonio Sogliani. For the catalogue of the Arte e Politica, l'Elettrice Palatina e la ultima stagione della committenza medicea in San Lorenzo, (Florence, Cappelle Medicee, 2014) organised by Monica Bietti, she wrote entries on the Elettrice Palatina Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici as painted by several artists (Pier Dandini, Antonio Franchi, Niccolò Cassana and an anonymous eighteenth-century painter) in different periods of her life.
From April 2014 she has been working on the reorganisation, classification and cataloguing of works in the community of the Franciscan minor friars of the Tuscan Province, which are kept in the Convent of San Francesco in Piazza Savonarola in Florence and in the Convent of San Francesco in Fiesole. This research resulted in the publication in May 2015 of La Chiesa e il Convento di San Francesco a Fiesole by Nicoletta Baldini e Laura Morelli with the history, documents, objects and works of art collected by the Franciscan minor Friars through the centuries. Within this work she prepared entries on paintings at San Francesco in Fiesole by the following authors: Piero di Cosimo, Filippino Lippi, Raffaellino del Garbo, Maestro dell’Epifania di Fiesole, Ezechia da Vezzano, detto Zacchia il Vecchio, and two anonymous sixteenth-century century painters who made a copy of the "Last Supper" from the Cenacolo of Fuligno by Perugino and a copy of a Holy Family with the Infant St John and St Elizabeth by Raphael.