Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Matteo Mazzalupi, Researcher IRDS
Matteo Mazzalupi was born in Rome, where he lives and works, in 1977. After graduating from the University of L'Aquila (2004) with a dissertation on the fifteenth-century painter Girolamo di Giovanni da Camerino, he received a PhD at the University of Udine (2008). His PhD dissertation has been developed in a book-length study of Pittori ad Ancona nel Quattrocento, edited by Mazzalupi and Andrea De Marchi (2008). He obtained fellowships from the Fondazione “Roberto Longhi”, Florence (2008-09), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2010-11), and the University of Florence (2011-14). His main interests are late Medieval and Renaissance painting and sculpture in the Marches, though he frequently worked on artists from other places and times, always with a special inclination towards archive research. He has collaborated in several exhibitions: Il Quattrocento a Camerino (2002), Fra Carnevale (2004-05), Gentile da Fabriano e l’altro Rinascimento, I pittori del Rinascimento a Sanseverino, Rinascimento scolpito (2006), Arte francescana. Tra Montefeltro e Papato 1234-1528 (2007), Crivelli e Brera (2009), Da Donatello a Lippi. Officina pratese (2013), Luca di Paolo e il Rinascimento nelle Marche (2015), Lorenzo de Carris e i pittori eccentrici nelle Marche del primo Cinquecento (2016). He contributed to the first two volumes of the corpus of the iconography of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (2005 and 2006) and to a catalogue of painted crosses in the Marches (2014). He wrote biographies of the painters Giovanni Angelo d’Antonio, Girolamo di Giovanni, Paolo da Visso, Piergentile da Matelica, Piermatteo d'Amelia and Pietro di Galeotto for the Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon and the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani. He has published on Piero della Francesca, the painters from Camerino and Antoniazzo Romano in the magazine Nuovi studi, and other articles in the Revue du Louvre, Ricerche di storia dell'arte, Rivista di storia della miniatura, Arte veneta, Notizie da Palazzo Albani, and Spoletium.