Letter from Signorelli to Corrado Tarlatini (recto), paper, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. MA 4261 (purchased as the gift of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, Jr., 1985). Copyright: Pierpont Morgan Library.
Prev Next- *.1516 Inscription on the engraving of Agotino Veniceno from a draft design for 'La conversione di Proconsole'. View Document
- *.1516 Inscription in the mosaic of the dome of the Chigi chapel. View Document
- *.1516 Baldassarre Castiglione, in a draft of the 'Cortegiano', quotes Raphael in a comparison between painting and sculpture. View Document
- *.1516 Baldassarre Castiglione, in a draft of the 'Cortegiano', lists Raphael among the artists whose style is perfect. View Document
- *.1516 Baldassarre Castiglione, in a draft of the 'Cortigiano', records an anecdote about Raphael and two cardinals. View Document
- *.1516 Tebaldeo's sonnet on his portrait by Raphael. View Document
- *.1516 Girolamo Borgia's epigram to Raphael. View Document
- 11.1.1516 Alessandra degli Oddi confirms her wishes, going back twenty years, regarding the family chapel and the Raphael altarpiece in San Francesco al Prato. View Document
- 4.3.1516 Francesco Gonzaga writes to Carlo Agnello asking for a painting of a rhinocerous sent by the king of Portugal and an elephant, currently in Rome. View Document
- 19.3.1516 Francesco Gonzaga renews the command to Carlo Agnello to execute portraits of the rhino and the elephant. View Document
- 20.3.1516 Carlo Agnello writes to Francesco Gonzaga saying that he has learned that the rhino has died during the voyage and that he will nonetheless seek to obtain a sketch from the ambassador. View Document
- 27.3.1516 Inscription on the Rinuccini version of the Canigiani 'Holy Family'. View Document
- 30.3.1516 Carlo Agnello in Rome writes to Francesco Gonzaga in Mantua: Raphael has begun the portrait of the elephant requested of him. View Document
- 3.4.1516 Pietro Bembo, in Rome, writes to Cardinal Bernardo Bibbiena, in Fiesole, saying that the next day he was going to Tivoli with Raphael, Navagero, Beazzano and Castiglione. View Document
- 19.4.1516 Pietro Bembo in Rome writes to Cardinal Bernardo Bibbiena in Rubiera: he recounts that Raphael has painted Antonio Tebaldeo's portrait, a very verisimilar image. View Document
- 25.4.1516 Francesco Gonzaga, in Mantua, writes to Carlo Agnello, in Rome: he says he has received the portraits of the rhino and the elephant. View Document
- 25.4.1516 Pietro Bembo, in Rome, asks Cardinal Bernardo Bibbiena, in Modena, for his marble Venus from 'quella parete e canto del [...] camerino'. Raphael has encouraged him to ask. View Document
- 6.5.1516 Pietro Bembo, in Rome, informs Cardinal Bernardo Bibbiena, in Modena, that his 'stuffetta' is almost complete and that works on the new 'camere' and the loggia have been completed. View Document
- 23.5.1516 Valerio Porcari records that Raphael has credit of more than 1000 florins that can be deducted from rent of a property in the Borgo in Rome. View Document
- *.6.1516 'Carmen' di Girolamo Leandro on Raphael eand the reconstruction of ancient Rome. View Document
- 7.6.1516 Beltrando Costabili, in Rome, writes to Cardinal Ippolito d'Este in Ferrara: he has read the Pope the Cardinal's letter and they have come to Monte Mario, where the Pope has bought Arcangelo Tucci's 'Vigna', which he intends to modify with a Loggia and little else. i View Document
- 18.6.1516 Inscription on Annone's tomb, Leo X's elephant: the portrait is by Raphael. View Document
- 20.6.1516 Pietro Bembo, in Rome, writes to cardinal Bernardo Bibbiena, in Florence: his apartment has been completed. View Document
- 21.6.1516 Renegotiation for the contract for 'Coronation' in Monteluce: Raphael begins to work on the main panel for the feast of the Assumption. View Document
- 7.7.1516 Benedetto Capilupi, in Mantua, writes to Isabella d'Este, in Rocchetta (Borgoforte): he asks if she is interested in acquiring objects belonging to the Duchess of Urbino, including two bronzes designed by Raphael. View Document
- 7.7.1516 Isabella d'Este, in Rocchetta, writes to Benedetto Capilupi: she thanks him for the letter and asks to see the Duchess of Urbino's silvers. View Document
- 9.7.1516 Benedetto Capilupi,in Mantua, writes to Isabella d'Este, in her villa (Rocchetta): he has asked 'al Nigro' to acquire the Duchess of Urbino's silver. View Document
- 13.7.1516 Pope Leo X writes to Cardinale Bibbiena apologising for not having been able to host the Cardinal in his appartment as he is presently hosting Cardinale Jacopo Serra in his convolescence: if Serra dies he will be able to host Bibbiena. View Document
- 19.7.1516 Benedetto Capilupi, in Mantua, writes to Isabella d'Este, in Rocchetta: the Duke of Urbino is reluctant to sell the bacile and the bronze to the bishop of Nice. He may have the objects he has seen, paying for 'la manifattura e lo oro'. View Document
- 19.7.1516 Isabella d'Este in Rocchetta to Benedetto Capilupi, in Mantua: she is sorry that she was unaware that the Duchess of Urbino has other items ('bacille e bochale'). View Document
- 18.8.1516 Agostino Gonzaga, in Rome, writes to Francesco Gonzaga (?), in Mantua: Leo X has held a public audience in the new loggia. View Document
- 9.9.1516 Elena Duglioli dall'Oglio inaugurates her new chapel to Saint Cecilia in the church of San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna. View Document
- 18.9.1516 Benedetto Capilupi, in Mantua, writes to Isabella d'Este, in Rocchetta, informing her that the Bishop of Nice has bought a basin and a pitcher similar to the ones that were sent to her. View Document
- 22.11.1516 Leonardo Sellaio, in Rome, writes to Michelangelo, in Carrara: Raphael has chosen Antonio da Sangallo as his colloborator at St Peter's and has made a clay model for a putto for Pietro d'Ancona, who has replicated it in marble. View Document
- 20.12.1516 Second record of payment to Raphael for the cartoons for the Sistine chapel. View Document